Pet Rabbits Dumped at Rescue’s Door

“With an extremely heavy heart and eyes full of tears and sadness, we are unfortunately dropping off our beloved pet Rabbits to your rescue and sanctuary.”

Not a heavy enough heart to personally deliver them to safety. These rabbits were simply dumped overnight with a tarp wrapped around their small cage in the parking lot of Rabbitats‘ South Surrey sanctuary.

These rabbits were given up because their family got the ultimatum from their strata council. Unfortunately this is a major issue in British Columbia – rental laws restricting pets. Regardless, dumping your rabbit on the doorstep of a rescue is not an acceptable solution.

If this family reached out to a rescue first, they could have helped – provided them with the necessary resources or aligned them with an adoptive or foster family directly. Instead, this family dumped their rabbits without notice, putting a strain on a rescue that was not prepared for their arrival.

Despite this sad start, this story has a happy ending. Oreo + Griffin have since been adopted and are living their lives out in a loving home on Bowen Island, BC. It’s not always easy for older bunnies to find a home, so we are so happy for this sweet couple.

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Sasha is an animal welfare advocate and bunny-momma of four! She has a Bachelors of Science in Applied Biology, Honours, from the University of British Columbia. She specialized in animal biology, welfare, and conservation. When she is not doing research or working on her computer, she can be found exploring the Pacific Northwest looking for birds!

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