Think Before You Gift (a pet)!

“Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas… perhaps… means a little bit more!”

Dr. Seuss  

With many seasonal celebrations (including Christmas) only a few weeks away, many people are stressing, planning, questioning, and stressing some more in order to find that perfect present. 

Yet, however much we plan, invariably, many of us will end up trapped in a long line in front of a return counter of one store or another once Aunt Zelda’s secret recipe cranberry sauce is a distant memory on our Christmas feast taste buds. And, yes, this will be frustrating, and you may have other (perhaps unprintable?) words to describe your experience. But a simple solution is usually found through a credit note, exchange, or some variation. And everyone walks away relatively content. 

Except in the case where an animal is involved.  

Rabbits are cute, furry, cuddly and gentle. The perfect present for any, or all, of the children on your list, you may be thinking? Unfortunately, there is no ‘Return Desk for Bunnies’ when they are no longer the ‘perfect’ gift. Instead, the quick solution for uneducated people in our disposable society is to dump and abandon them. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if all of us acted like the Grinch… after his heart grew? 

Sugarplums are not always dancing in everyone’s heads at this time of year and here is just one example of the hundreds of articles highlighting this worldwide inhumane trend. 

Bunnies are for life not just for Easter! [or Christmas or Valentine’s Day or any other special holiday].  Britain’s RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) warns 2,500 pet rabbits were abandoned last year with the peak just weeks after the festive period. The RSPCA warns parents that rabbits are pets for life, not just for festive times. And, 2,500 bunnies were re-homed last year with 238 of those coming at Easter. And finally, rabbits are the worst-treated pet in England with 900 cases of neglect in 2019. 

Daily Mail UK

It is careless, irresponsible and cruel to dump rabbits at any time of year, but when they are dealing with harsh winters or scorching summers (in addition to just trying to survive) the effects are even more draconian. It is difficult enough for wild rabbits to withstand the harsh elements and domesticated rabbits do not have a chance. (And, yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus…and there is a big difference between wild and domesticated rabbits)!

Finally, in order to combat the absolutely avoidable suffering of these timid, gentle and loving animals, please think carefully, and educate yourself and your family fully, before adopting these (and any other) animals into your home, at any time of year. And, especially during festive occasions when people are already stressed, preoccupied and have less patience, consider fully what agreement you are making. Although a bunny is silent, he has even less ‘say’ in this ‘agreement’ of being welcomed into your life and your home, and then dumped! 

Homelife with a rabbit in it is wonderful, heartwarming, and enlightening.

Whatever you are celebrating (or not celebrating) we, at Abandoned Rabbits, wish you, and those around you, a peaceful, caring and joy-filled time, especially for your furried/rabbit family members.  

“Oh, Christmas isn’t just a day, it’s a frame of mind.”

Miracle On 34th Street 

“Happy (whatever you’re celebrating) and to all [rabbits] a good night”

A Visit From St. Nicholas, Twas The Night Before Christmas 

Article written by:

Laila Boulos
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Laila Boulos is a passionate, animal-loving, vegan who enjoys writing about, and participating in, social causes that protect animals, the environment and the people on this planet. She understands that we are all interconnected and by working together to care for animals and the environment, everyone benefits. Laila has had the pleasure to live with many animals and knows how affectionate, gentle and fascinating rabbits are to be around and she is pleased to be part of the great team at Abandoned Rabbits to enlighten everyone else.

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